As the second metropolitan centre for the region, Surrey City Centre is transforming into the economic, social and cultural hub of the City.
Surrey’s population is 513,000 people and is the third fastest-growing city in Canada.
City Centre’s population is 33,660 and is projected to more than double to 70,000 by 2041.
Over $12 billion in new construction has occurred in Surrey in the past 10 years.
12.5M square feet of new residential, commercial and institutional space has been built in City Centre since 2000.
1,300 businesses are located in City Centre.
City Centre’s current workforce is 25,255 which will grow to 31,759 in 2021.
City Centre is almost 600 hectares including 45 hectares of parkland.
Connected to the Skytrain rapid transit network and is a 35 minute ride to downtown vancouver.
Surrey City Centre Economic Snapshot
Follow the charts below to see how many people are choosing to live, work and build in Surrey City Centre.
Interactive Graphs
Take a look at these interactive graphs to get a sense of Surrey City Centre. Mouse over the data points for more detailed information. Please visit the City of Surrey’s Business Data for more in-depth statistics.
- Median Income $ 27,719
- Between 2001 and 2006 Surrey’s employed labour force grew by 18.6%
- As of 2006, 49.8% of Surrey City Centre’s population travel outside of Surrey in order to work
- As of 2011, 69% of the population ranges between 18 and 64.
- Surrey has the 3rd highest proportion of child population in Metro Vancouver
- Surrey is expected to soon pass Vancouver in population, with 1,000 new residence per month